Get Instagram Verification Badge With Our Limited Offer Plan Free

We offer verification services for Instagram starting at $850 but we are giving you a once a year free instagram verification badge with no fees! But we have requirements. Check your account's eligibility to see if you can get a verified badge.

How It Works

Three easy steps to see if you can get verified on Instagram


Fill out your username & email

We will use these to find your profile and contact you if needed


We will check your account

Our system will check if your account is eligible.


See if you're eligible

If you're legible, we can handle the submission.


Get your questions about Verifiedbadge answered!

Can't I just request verification via the Instagram app?

You can, but 99% of these requests are denied by Instagram. We have access to a media partner panel which lets us talk directly to Instagram and Facebook, and allows us to explain why you should get verified and has the highest possible success rate.

Is it guaranteed that I will get verified?

No. We cannot guarantee you will become verified after using our service(s). Even though it is our #1 priority to get you verified, in the end it is up to Instagram to decide whether or not to verify you. However, we will make sure you are eligible to become verified by working on your online PR and submitting the request for you through a media partner panel.

Does this actually work?

Yes. We have verified hundreds of accounts successfully using our technique. We have a very high success rate, but keep in mind that we cannot make any guarantees.

Do I get a refund if I don't get verified?

No. We do not offer refunds. Since we write and publish articles and interviews about you, and submit the verification request for you, we are unable to refund you if you do not get verified.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We currently accept PayPal and all major creditcards.