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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you use real accounts?
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Yes. All of the followers, likes, and views you pay for come from our network of real Instagram accounts created by real people.

What if I lose my followers?
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Because the followers we send are 100% real, there is the possibility that you will lose some followers overtime. We're offering add-ons during the checkout process to have a refill guarantee. If you did buy the refill add-on you can request a refill here

How long does delivery take?
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We usually deliver all orders within just a few minutes after completing the payment, in some rare occurances deliveries can take upto 24-48 hours. If your order has not been delivered after 48 hours please reach out to us.

Do you offer a trial?
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Yes, we do! Head over to our trial page to request free followers and see what our quality is like.

Which payment methods do you accept?
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As of now Skweezer accepts Mastercard, Visa and Maestro. We're working on supporting PayPal in the future.

Is Skweezer safe?
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Yes. The services that you pay for are coming from accounts created by real people. Getting these accounts as followers/likes/views/comments is completely safe for your account.

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